Brennan is going to need an Avatar for his new D&D Campaign, and had this Image to work with for color: And chose Reaper's Satheras, Warlock from the UnPainted files:
The Party of Four is complete! Malachi is my best work so far, using the image Jeff gave me to work with: This is another PC from the Ravenloft Campaign setting, playing with Dan Marcos the half-elf Wizard and Ville Mareth, human bard. I went with a red tinted palette (instead of green and blonde), as befits a martial force of nature like this very frightening Barbarian. Also, Tieflings are demonic half-breeds, ranging from very human looking to really devilish. Malachi is a little on the demonic side... Here, Mordecai shows that he is in motion, planting his lead hoof on the skull of a vanquished foe before launching into a RAGE fueled leap of fury and death. I mean, look at the skulls! I love the huge orc skull behind his tail... I can never decide which backdrop color i like best--Yellow? Red? Maybe this blue-grey backdrop is the best--it looks like storm clouds His Demonic Battle Rage is barely in control, war-chant r...