
Showing posts from 2020

43. Sandru Viskhi, Caravan man

 Sandru is a retired adventurer, running wagons from Triel to Baldur's Gate, and is killing it.  He seems like a happy guy--and a little bit of a shorty.   I made him blond-ish and tan--because he parties it the sun.

42. Kiphrixis, a Large Green Dragon

Ok, this is by far my biggest "mini" so far.  Large is right.  This was really intimidating, and I had to approach the painting over several months.  I really messed it up at one point, but now I'm really happy with this guy. The Godzilla shot, from behind the sign board.  He is literally bigger than a house! He's just so big, he could pick up humans in his hands like a Popsicle.   He doesn't even need his chlorine gas breath weapon. The wings came out nicely.  I didn't even know how to strategize the painting so I just started slopping wash after wash.  I think if I had Brush "painted" it would've been ugly.  I really see the value of an airbrush for projects this size after a couple months He is originally a Bronze dragon, but I wanted a Green Dragon for my story--swampy forest is his home.  Yes, yes, green dragons have a frilly dorsal fin along their back and head.  I know. Its hard to...

41. The Dunkeldorf Bulletin Board

This is the first thing I wanted to paint from the Dunkeldorf Kickstarter last year--it takes like a year!  Yes, that's Godzilla in the background  All of the signs are individual bits, so I had to paint and "write" them separately before gluing them Only now do I think I could do a little better on the signs--I special ordered a .03mm pen for this--that's so tiny its hard to see a single line.   Of course the producers made really good ones.  Man I really want to re-do those now that I'm comparing them side by side.

40. Evil Cultists!: The Gongers

Brilliant!  Everybody needs a good cult in the neighborhood on whom to blame everything bad.  Guess what?  These are those guys,  They Gong late into the night, and even Gong quietly in the daytime.  If you know what I mean.

39. Large Water Elemental

Surfing is big here in Solana Beach, and this living wave can crush you to death--I know from personal experience.    Thank you,  Arilyn for taming the beast.

38. Arilyn, Water Sorceress

Welcome to the first of the Tetrad of Elemental Sorcerers:  Arilyn, the Water Sorceress. OK, this was hard.  Not just because I used the UV Resin and Splash Gel from Green Stuff World for the first time (and things got sloppy), but that damn arm is just in the way of her left face.   I love a good detail shot--the Nautilus Shell altar for her weird arcane practices... At a certain point it was time to get on with my life, so I will be happy for now with this tiny vignette.

37. The Roper from Dunkeldorf: a One-Eyed Monster from Hell

I have finally made a truly disgusting monster.  After showing it to some ladies, it is apparently more disgusting because of the teeth than terrifying because of the EyeThis is the "monster"  archetype.  All it wants to do is eat you. The Roper is terrifying, and embodies what children think of as a monster.  However, if you can manage to stay out of reach of his 20’ long tentacles and enormous toothy maw, you may realize it moves at a glacial pace, and can be avoided by just staying away from it.  Or, by never going into that stupid cave in the first place. Also, my first Parallax Roper video: