Ok, this is by far my biggest "mini" so far. Large is right. This was really intimidating, and I had to approach the painting over several months. I really messed it up at one point, but now I'm really happy with this guy. The Godzilla shot, from behind the sign board. He is literally bigger than a house! He's just so big, he could pick up humans in his hands like a Popsicle. He doesn't even need his chlorine gas breath weapon. The wings came out nicely. I didn't even know how to strategize the painting so I just started slopping wash after wash. I think if I had Brush "painted" it would've been ugly. I really see the value of an airbrush for projects this size after a couple months He is originally a Bronze dragon, but I wanted a Green Dragon for my story--swampy forest is his home. Yes, yes, green dragons have a frilly dorsal fin along their back and head. I know. Its hard to...