
Showing posts from March, 2019

23. Green Dragon Hatchling

He's just a little guy, but I like him His is my best eyeball yet--the little glint in his eye is a fake reflection!  Yes!

22. D'Khul, Bathalian Mind Flayer

D'khul turned out well, with glossy, slimy tentacles  K, He looks great in this shot!!

21. Sunan, Reptus Warrior

I think this guys' furry feathers get flared out when he's angry.  I'm glad I painted behind his shield -- This sculpt has multiple cool angles. I still don't know what a Reptus is, but Im going to think of him as a Lizardman, which is convenient for the setting near Boarskye Bridge...or maybe a Dragon-kind.

20. T'Quan, Warrior

I have no idea what this guy is supposed to be but here he is...he could sub in for a tail-less Tiefling