
Showing posts from 2019

36. Troll

The ubiquitous old school D&D monster you will see way too much in the early levels.  I feel like going back and putting some pinpoint white pupils in his eyes, like in the Monster Manual.  Found menacing outlying farms and ranches in the Western Heartlands at night...bringing a ravenous hunger that drives them to madness.  They stand at 9' tall and have near giant-like strength.  Trolls will grow their heads or arms back unless the wounds are seared with fire or acid. Bring your oil flasks and torches and stop the arms from growing back and tearing yours off.

35. Black Owl Bear

The F-n Owl Bear has always seemed ridiculous, coming from the darkness of old school D&D original monsters.  He is created by insane wizards, not born, and I just don't think a human could take this thing without some magic or something.

34. Pugs of War

They're cute, but I'm pretty sure those are the bones of their victims...

YouTube: Dark Shadows Kickstarter Unboxing


33. Orcs! The Gunt Brothers

Necessary villains for your pleasure...introducing the Gunt Brothers

32. Graveyard Scenery

This is the Reaper Harrowgate gate and fence set with the Ender Toys Mausoleum set

31. Bugbear Warrior

This Brute is huge--his fists are almost as big as Ville's torso, and his mace head probably weighs more than Ville's whole body. Just a massive beast, but a little dumb--they are easily managed by hobgoblins, who are much smaller.  These guys hang out is gang-sized groups in the Reaching Wood, raiding into Scornubel and the surrounding countryside.  They MAY be present in the movements against Triel. This is KillerMinis doing this sculpt:

30. Zombies!: Reaper Zombies (3)

This is the only image I could find of these zombies painted, and it is hard to see what's happening in the sculpt.  One guy has his guts hanging out, and I think are trailing out behind him.  I'm not really sure.  There are better zombie models out there, but I was putting a herd together... mine look better

29. Zombies!: Undead Awakening (2)

Love this guy, erupting out of an old grave--Plus, a nice gravestone for a terrain feature.

28. Zombies!: Billy & Ernest (2)


27. Zombies!: Ronnie and Reggie (2)

Got the Dead Flesh color in Vallejo Game Color--I like it.  These zombies are getting a little scary looking now--They see you, and will start shambling your way 

26. Zombies!: George & Gracie (2)

G&G are the first of the Zombie Horde, and are both showing some increasingly complex skin painting...and blood and guts everywhere The grey background looks like a foggy graveyard or something.  Next up:  Ronnie and Reggie.  The Horde grows when they find good brains